Production: Jordan Hamsey

With filming aproaching, I still needed to find a Jordan Hamsey character.  This was a hard character type to find as it needed to be specific. After our initial casting days in November 2017, the options we were presented with were not right for the role due to their physical characteristics being too dissimilar to Gordon Ramsey. This character does need to be type cast as there needs to be some sort of recognition that Jordan Hamsey is based off of Gordon Ramsey. 

After posting onto casting websites both through social media and Mandy profiles, I was put into touch with a man called Martin who is a professional Gordon Ramsey Look-a-like. I spoke with him and asked if he would be interested.  It turns out that this is the same person who one of my actors knew and had previously asked to be involved, but unfortunately it wasn't for him. Below is our conversation: 

It's a shame I was unable to convince Martin to play Jordan Hamsey as he really does look the part as you can see from the photo above however I managed to find someone similar. 

I got into contact with a family friend who is neighbours with a professional London Chef called David.  He has had television experience in cooking programmes before and also has the outfits needed.  He was very keen to help our project and works lookwise for what we want as well. Although he doesn't look exactly like Gordon Ramsey does, he has a similar hairstyle and face shape that works nicely for what we want. 

David is a great person to play Jordan Hamsey as within his chef career, he has worked alongside Gordon Ramsey and therefore was able to adapt his mannerisms quite well for filming. He gave us the information for what the correct outfit should be as Gordan Ramsey usually cooks in 'Chef's Blacks' as opposed to the 'Chef's Whites' as pictured above. David has cooked for television show Sunday Brunch along with a few other less popular shows. This is beneficial as it means he has an understanding of what will be required of him on set, even though he isn't an actor by trade. 


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