Professional Practice: Placement Day 5

I began the day by being briefed by Danny and Kirsty about what the morning would entail.  Today I was going to be an Assistant Runner to Danny and Sam and help them set up a room for a script read through with Joanna Lumley for a new drama with a different production company.  In oder to get the room ready we had to go to M&S and buy some food and drinks to dress the room with. We had to pick up some pre ordered Sandwiches and wraps along with a selection of crips, biscuits and fruit.  It was important that we had enough to feed 35 people. 

Once the table was dressed we had to find enough chairs to fit 35 people in the room.  The room itself was only supposed to seat about 15 so this was quite challenging to make the room seem comfortable and spacious. When the guests arrived I helped Danny and Sam to make a selection of teas and coffees for those that wanted them and then we left them to it. 

Back in the office I was given another task which was to transfer lots of release forms from a folder from a  previous show and scan them onto the system where they could be stored more safely. A release form is basically our version of a Contributor's Agreement where anyone who is being filmed is giving Twenty Twenty the rights to the footage.  There were release forms for auditions, performances, personal disclosures and contributor's agreements.  Sam showed me where I needed to save the documents to and what to call them.  It was important that I got them all scanned and saved correctly as the company could be taken to court by a contributor if they do not provide evidence of their permission.  Once they were scanned through, I had to throw the originals into the confidential waste bin.  It was confidential waste because it had important personal details of each contributor and shouldn't be disclosed to anyone outside of Twenty Twenty. Therefore, all of these forms are confidential.  

Finally, to finish the day off, I was asked to research some furniture for an office.  I found some items that were agreed and these were a bin and some headphones.  I bought these using the companies credit card and had to print off a receipt and give it to Kirsty for filing. 

Overall I feel I learnt a lot today about what tasks a Runner's role can involve as well as the importance of release forms and why they are so confidential.  I also learnt that absolutely everything needs to have a receipt when it comes to companies funds, which is something that sounds so obvious now I know but at the time wasn't something I had thought about.  I also needed to create an expenditure document for my travel which was all of my receipts attached to a blank piece of paper with my name on and also a spreadsheet stating how much each day cost me and what the cost was for.  A lot has to go into an expenditure form and I realise now that this is because the company needs to know exactly where every penny is going and why.  


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